Flood Preparedness
Flooding can occur in all 50 U.S. states, even if you are not in
a FEMA-designated flood zone. As the climate continues to warm,
a warmer atmosphere is able to hold more water, leading to more
extreme rainfall events.
Know the difference between a flood watch & warning
Flood Watch = issued when conditions are favorable for flooding.
It does not mean flooding will occur, but it is possible.
Flood Warning = flooding is imminent or occurring.
Pay attention to local weather forecasts, reports and alerts
via weather.gov, TV news, reputable online websites/
social media and/or a NOAA weather radio.
Consider purchasing flood insurance. Remember that there is a
30-day wait period on most new flood insurance policies to
take effect. Learn more about purchasing flood insurance here.
Have an emergency kit and consider investing in sandbags or
sandless sandbags.
If you live in a flood prone area or are camping in a low-lying
area, get to higher ground immediately when alerted.
If you are told by authorities to evacuate, do so immediately. If time
allows, disconnect appliances and utilities.
TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN! NEVER drive or walk through
flood waters! It is difficult to know how deep flood water is and the
water could stall your vehicle, knock you off your feet, and sweep
you/your vehicle away.
Only 6" of water can knock you off your feet. 6" off water also
can reach the bottom of most passenger vehicles. A foot of water can float many vehicles. 18"+ of fast-
moving water can sweep vehicles away.
Stay away from downed power-lines as they may still be charged. Do not come in contact with flood
water as it may contain hazardous materials, bacteria, snakes and more.