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Image by Max Saeling

Lightning Preparedness

When thunder roars, go indoors!   

If you hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.


  • If you hear thunder and/or see lightning, get indoors (an open

structure, carport or covered patio are not considered safe).

  • If no enclosed structure is available, get inside a hard-topped

vehicle. Do not ride a motorcycle or bicycle during storms.

  • DO NOT take shelter under a tree!

  • Stay away from water (pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, etc.),

trees and other tall or metal objects.

  • Do not take a bath or shower during thunderstorms.

  • If you are on a boat, get to shore immediately if possible

  • Avoid being the tallest object around. If no shelter is nearby,

crouch down into a ball on the balls of your feet, away from 

taller objects.

  • Avoid open spaces such as golf courses, open fields and

hiking trails when thunderstorms threaten.

  • Stay away from wire fences, metal clothes lines, power lines

and other electrically conductive objects.

  • Install surge protectors in your home and avoid using plug-in

electronics during thunderstorms.


THE 30-30 RULE

  1. When you see lightning, could the number of seconds before you hear thunder.

  2. Divide the number of seconds by 5 to figure out how many miles away the thunderstorm is.

  3. Get indoors if the lightning-to-thunder delay is 30 seconds or less.

  4. Stay indoors until 30 minutes have past since the last clap of thunder.


  • CALL 911 immediately.

  • If the victim is conscious, give first aid if needed and keep the victim calm.

  • Perform CPR (if trained and consent is implied or given by a guardian) if the victim is not breathing and doesn't have a pulse.

  • Stay with the victim (if it is safe for you to do so) until EMS arrives.

Image by Michael D
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